상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

Google Is Bigger Than Apple (Unit 19)


by 프리매쓰 2021. 2. 10. 17:14



Down on Wall Street,...
...Google overtook Apple as the most valuable company in the world...
...by market capitalization on Tuesday...
...after a strong holiday quarter earnings report...
...that drove its stock price up 5% overnight.
When the stock market opened on Tuesday,...
...Google had a market value of 550.6 billion,...
...beating out Apple's market cap of 529.1 billion...
...for the first time in its history.
The rankings represent more than just a constantly fluctuating vanity leader board...
...though it is certainly that as well.

It is the combination of the slow sea change in thinking...
...about which technology giant is best poised to grow...
...in the second half of this decade and beyond.



  • 1


    to rise and fall irregularly in number or amount

  • 2


    to catch up with something and pass while traveling in the same direction

  • 3


    To join or merge


  • Example

    Profit of our company tends to fluctuate from year to year.

    우리 회사의 수익은 매년 변동이 심하다.

  • Example

    The driver overtook a line of vehicles.

    그 운전자는 줄지어 가는 몇 대의 자동차들을 추월했다.

  • Example

    The yogurt has combination of blackberries, raspberries, and rhubarb.

    요거트 안에는 블랙베리, 라스베리와 대황의 혼합물이 들어있다.



  • 1

    Give another example of something that is "poised to grow."

  • 2

    Who do you think would become a bigger company: Google or Apple? Why?

  • 3

    Describe another "technology giant."


발음 교정


speakerIcon교정 받은 단어의 발음을 듣고 소리내어 읽어보세요.

to fluctuate
be shifted
to overtake
Tongue TwisterspeakerIcon


아래 발음에 대한 예문을 반복적으로 듣고 따라해보세요.

A loyal warrior will rarely worry why we rule.

문법 & 문장 교정

It will be going to surpass more companies.

BETTERIt is going to surpass more companies.

Apple is also very nice company.

BETTERApple is also a very nice company.

IBM is most bigger than Apple, Google.

BETTERIBM was more bigger than Apple and Google.

It is big because of the crowd.

BETTERIt is a big company because they have more consumers.

Apple has the many fan world widely.

BETTERApple has the many consumers world wide.

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