상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

The Secret Formula for Coca-Cola (Unit 24)


by 프리매쓰 2021. 3. 11. 16:59


The Secret Formula for Coca-Cola

Have you ever wondered about the great mysteries of life?
Like how the universe began who built the pyramids, the secret formula for Coca-Cola.
Some scientists believe there may be a cosmic connection to these mysteries.
No one knows for sure, but we do know that Coca-Cola has been around since the beginning of time.
Coca-Cola was invented right here in the city of Atlanta over a hundred years ago.
Back in 1886, a pharmacist named John Pemberton was experimenting with a new recipe.


He took some secret ingredients and boiled them into a syrup.
He thought it was pretty tasty.
So, he took some to Jacob's Pharmacy where they mixed the syrup with plain water and placed it on sale for five cents a glass.
Legend has it; an employee of the pharmacy accidentally mixed the syrup with carbonated water and served it over ice to a customer.
Well, the customer absolutely loved it and the rest is history.
Thus, was invented one of the greatest refreshments of all time?
Dr. Pemberton's accountant was named Frank Robinson and it was his idea to call this new drink "Coca-Cola."
In fact, he created the now famous trademark in his own handwriting.
Dr. Pemberton never imagined the incredible future of his creation.


In 1888, he sold the secret formula to a businessman named Asa Candler, (Ah, okay.) who later formed the corporation to produce and distribute Coca-Cola.
As more and more people discover this delicious new refreshment, Coca-Cola began to pop up all over America.




  • 1


    If you wonder about something, you think about it, either because it interests you and you want to know more about it, or because you are worried or suspicious about it.

  • 2


    If you distribute things, you hand them or deliver them to a number of people.

  • 3


    If you invent something such as a machine or process, you are the first person to think of it or make it.

영상에 나온 단어의 뜻을 설명한 후 단어를 이용해 문장을 만들어 보세요.

  • Example

    The boss wondered why he concluded the agency contract that way.

    상사는 그가 왜 대리점 계약을 그런 식으로 종결했는지 의아해했다.

  • Example

    I'll write a memorandum and distribute it to everyone.

    제가 문서를 써서 그걸 모든 사람들에게 돌리겠습니다.

  • Example

    People are trying to invent cars that need less gas and oil.




  • 1

    Why is Coca-Cola a successful product?

  • 2

    If your friend has never tried Coca-Cola, how would you describe the flavor?

  • 3

    Coke was originally supposed to be a medicine. What sickness do you think it treated?




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