상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

Learn Quickly from Mistakes (Unit 26)


by 프리매쓰 2021. 5. 16. 16:01


Learn Quickly from Mistakes

So many things go wrong when you're starting a company,...
...and often, I think people ask what mistakes should you avoid making.
And my answer to that question is don't even bother trying to avoid mistakes...
...because you're gonna make tons of mistakes, right?
And the important thing is actually learning quickly from whatever mistakes you make...
...and not giving up.
There are things every single year of Facebook's existence that could have killed us,...
...or made it so that it just seemed like moving forward...
...and making a lot of progress it just seemed intractable,...
...but you just bounce back and you learn.

And nothing is impossible.
You just have to keep running through the walls.



  • 1give up
  • to stop doing an activity or piece of work before you have completed it
  • 2intractable
  • very difficult or impossible to control, manage, or solve
  • 3bounce back
  • to start to be successful again after a difficult period, for example after experiencing failure, loss of confidence, illness, or unhappiness영상에 나온 단어의 뜻을 설명한 후 단어를 이용해 문장을 만들어 보세요.
    • Example나는 2년 전 흡연을 그만뒀다.
    • I gave up smoking two years ago.
    • Example우리는 아주 다루기 힘든 문제에 직면하고있다.
    • We are facing an intractable problem.
    • Example그녀는 병을 빠르게 이겨냈다.
    • She bounced back quickly after her illness.



  • 1Describe a time when you "made a lot of progress."
  • 2Do you agree that nothing is impossible? Why or why not?
  • 3Explain why it's important "not to give up."

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