상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

독해 강화 훈련


by 프리매쓰 2021. 9. 5. 10:32


구인 1  (jobs part)

시험에 항상 출제될 뿐 아니라 단골어휘가 특히 많은 부분이므로 항목별로 확실히 기억해두는게 좋겠습니다

IN-House Job Posting

Farm Fresh Dairy will have a job vacancy in our Customer Service Department due to the Sept. 1st transfer of Melissa Peterson into the Marketing Division. Any interested staff members with at least one full year of employment are encouraged to apply for the position of assistant manager, and will work directly under Ms. Huntington. The ideal candidate must be able to work a flexible schedule, possess competent organizational and customer communication skills, and have a desire to excel in customer service. The appropriate person for the position will be chosen from a short list of qualified applicants. The director of development, Ms. Jameson, will review the list and, after conferring with Ms. Hobart about the interview process, will make the final decision. For further information, contact Mr. Underhill in the Personnel Department.

1. Where would this announcement most likely be found?

(A) On a television commercial
(B) IN a regional newspaper
(C) In an industry publication
(D) On an office notice board

2. If an applicant wants to know more about the position, who should be contacted?

(A) Mr. Underhill
(B) The Development Director
(C) Ms. Hobart
(D) The customer service manager

3. What is required of applicants for the position?

(A) Two years of experience
(B) A university degree
(C) Secretarial abilities
(D) Public relations skills

구인 일반

recurit (산업사원을) 모집하다 - be wanted
job posting look for- -을 구하다
job classified ad 구인[구직]광고 in-house job posting 사내 구인 광고
job ads job fair 채용 박람회
opening 빈자리, 공석
field 업종
position 직위
career goal 경력상의 목표
career objective
aptitude 적성 aptitude questionnaire 적성 검사 설문
job interview 면접 interviewer 면접관
interviewee 면접 응시자
candidate apply for -에 지원하다
applicant 지원자 job request 구직 요청
successful candidate 근무 확정자
ideal candidate 적합한 지원자
be on the short list 최종 후보자 명단에 있다
competent candidate 우수한 후보

근무 조건

flexible hours 딱 정해져 있지 않은 근부 시간
competitive salary
same or higher salary (타사 비교) 뒤지지 않는 보수
excellent benefits 좋은 복지 혜택
work directly under
directly report to 바로 -아래 직급으로 일하다
work for

IN-House Job Posting

Farm Fresh Dairy will have a job vacancy in our Customer Service Department due to the Sept. 1st transfer of Melissa Peterson into the Marketing Division. Any interested staff members with at least one full year of employment are encouraged to apply for the position of assistant manager, and will work directly under Ms. Huntington. The ideal candidate must be able to work a flexible schedule, possess competent organizational and customer communication skills, and have a desire to excel in customer service. The appropriate person for the position will be chosen from a short list of qualified applicants. The director of development, Ms. Jameson, will review the list and, after conferring with Ms. Hobart about the interview process, will make the final decision. For further information, contact Mr. Underhill in the Personnel Department.

1. Where would this announcement most likely be found?
정답: (D) On an office notice board

2. If an applicant wants to know more about the position, who should be contacted?
정답: (A) Mr. Underhill

3. What is required of applicants for the position?
(D) Public relations skills

구인 2 (jobs part)

Questions 1-2 refer to the following letter.

Dear Mr. Iverson:

Thank you so much for the opportunity to meet with you and your colleagues. I am now even more enthusiastic about the possibility of being able to work at G&S Publishing. Your company is renowned for representing some of the most respected authors in the country.
Although I possess the requisite skills for this job, I acknowledge that I am not an expert in all areas of the publishing field. I am currently enrolled in an advanced administration class, as I realized this would be advantageous for my career goals. I will receive my certificate of completion within several weeks. Although my past salary earnings do not reflect this additional qualification, I would be happy to accept an offer from G&S for th same salary. I organize my time well, am computer proficient, and am able to work independently.
Thank you again for considering me for the editor's position, and for taking the time to review my qualifications as presented in my cover letter and employment history. I look forward to meeting with you in the future.

Marcia Reynolds
Marcia Reynolds

1. What happened to Ms. Reynolds before she wrote this letter?

a. She applied to another company.
b. She had an interview with G&S Publishing.
c. She requested a raise in salary.
d. She had a job offer form G&S Publishing.

2. What is Ms. Reynolds' present situation?

a. She is a sales manager.
b. She is training for computer work.
c. She is a professional author.
d. She is studying a management course.


qualification - 자격요건
be qualified for - ~할 자격 요건을 갖추다.
requirement, must, requisite - 필수요건
~be required - ~가 필수이다, optional - 꼭 없어도 되는, 선택사항인
beneficial, advantageous, preferred - 유리하게 작용하는, 우대하는
academic career - 학력
university graduate - 대학졸업자,
college degree, bachelor - 학사학위(자), diploma, certificate - 수료증, 자격증서
experienced - 경험이 있는
expert, specialist - 전문가
skill, technique - 기술
communication skill - (주로 고객과의) 의사소통 능력,
computer skill, computer proficiency, computer knowledge - 컴퓨터 활용 능력


resume, employment history, profile, career record - 이력서
salary history, history of compensation - 급여기록
cover letter, reference letter, letter of recommendation - 추천서
referral - 추천, 소개된 사람

문제 풀이

1. 정답 : B

- 단서문장
Thank you so much for the opportunity to meet with you and your colleagues.
--> 해석 : 당신과 당신의 회사 직원들을 만날 기회를 주어서 대단히 감사합니다.
I am now even more enthusiastic about the possibility of being able to work at G&S Publishing.
--> 해석 : 현재 나는 G&S에서 일할 수도 있다는 가능성에 매우 들떠 있습니다.

2. 정답 : D

- 단서문장
I am currently enrolled in an advanced administration class
--> 해석 : 나는 현재 고급관리 과정에 등록했습니다.

인력 (jobs part)

Question 1-2 refer to the following notice


The personnel department has finished the update of our Staff Positions Directory.
This version will be in effect from 6/1/02. It contains Comprehensive information regarding job descriptions, responsibilities, and the various working relationships between departments. Intern and Volunteer assignments are also covered in depth.
All employees who work full-time will receive the directory at the next scheduled staff meeting on 5/29. Anyone who works part-time will find a copy in the employee messenger box no later than 5/31. Newly hired staff must attend a training session and the directory will be distributed at that time. If you work from home, a copy will be sent to you via regular mail by 6/1. Anyone who has not received the directory by the above dates should notify your department head immediately . Errors or omissions in the directory should be brought to  the attention of the personnel department as soon as possible.

1. How will part-time employees receive the directory?
  (A) Through a supervisor
  (B) At a training session
  (C) In staff mailbox
  (D) By regular post

2. What should staff members do if they don't receive their directory?

  (A) Continue to use the previous edition
  (B) Contact their department director
  (C) Notify the personnel department
  (D) Attend another training session

employer  고용주
owner     소유주
operator    경영주
hire                                hiring
employ  (고용하다)                employment (채용)

employee  피고용인                newcomer
                                    newly hired staff (신입사원)
staff    직원 (종합적)              staff shortage 인력부족
staff associate                     overstaffing   인력과다
staff member  (개별)직원  
service 근무, 재직                  35 years of service  35년간 재직
serve                               incumbent 재직자
work for + 회사 (근무하다)        
be on duty   근무중이다 


work part-time    시간제로 일하다
work full-time     정규직으로 일하다
work on probation  수습으로 일하다           probationary period 
work from home    재택 근무하다            internship       (수습기간)
volunteer            자원해서 일하다
working nuit        근무조                     night shift 야간근무(조)
shift                 교대제 근무               day shift  주간근무(조)

문제 풀이

1. How will part-time employees receive the directory?
시간제 근무자는 명부를 어떻게 받게 되는가?
- 정답 : C
Anyone who works part-time will find a copy in the employee messenger box no later than 5/31.
->시간제 근무자에게는  5월 31일까지 직원 우편함으로 명부가 배포됩니다

2. What should staff members do if they don't receive their directory?
  직원명부를 받지 못한 직원은 어떻게 해야 하는가?
- 정답 : B
Anyone who has not received the directory by the above dates should notify your department head immediately
->위의 날짜까지 명부를 수령하지 못하신 분은 해당 부서장에게 즉시 통보를 해야 합니다

급여와 복리후생 (jobs part)

Questions 1-2 refer to the following article.

In response to anonymous complaints within the coal mining industry, officials from the Labor Relations Board(LRB) oversaw a meeting between labor representatives and employers late last week, to discuss the allegations of irregular wage and benefits remuneration.
The primary causes of the complaints are inadequate overtime compensation, life insurance restrictions, and limited pension plan options.
According to current labor laws, both sides in the disagreement are partially in the right.
Officials proposed a series of new regulations that workers felt were insufficiently comprehensive, while employers spoke against them as entirely too expensive to consider.
When workers threatened to go on strike, the LRB and management agreed to revise the regulations and present them within two weeks for final review. The LRB expressed confidence that all parties would be able settle the dispute satisfactorily at that time.

1. Who supervised the discussion about the problem?

(A) A government agency
(B) Labor representatives
(C) An employer association
(D) Workers' rights advocates

2. What area are the workers concerned about?

(A) Forced retirement issues
(B) safe working conditions
(C) Quality control regulations
(D) Compensation packages


paycheck, salary, wage, remuneration, compensation - 급여
tax-deductible 세금 공제가 가능한
tax exemption, free from tax - 세금 면제(인)
taxation 세금부과
pre-tax 세전의


devidend, allotment - (주식, 매출 증가 등으로 인한) 이익 배당금
pay back, reimburse 환급하다
commission, percentage of the sales - (성과에 대한)배당금
allowance 수당
overtime allowance 초과 근무 수당
bonus, incentive, reward 상여금


benefit package 종합적 복리 후생
beneficiary 복지 혜택 수혜자
vacation, leave, time off - 휴가
maternity leave - 출산 휴가
sick leave 병가
pension 연금

피고용자의 권리 행사

be on strike, go on strike - 파업하다
occupational safety 직업상의 안전
safety standards 안전기준
labor's right 노동자의 권리
payment raise, salary increase - 급여 인상
labor law 노동법
union 노동조합
labor representative 노동자 대표
labor dispute 노동 쟁의
settle a dispute 분쟁을 해결하다
occupational safety 직업상의 안전

문제 풀이

1. Who supervised the discussion about the problem?
    문제에 대한 토론을 감독한 측은 누구인가?
- 정답 : A
- 단서문장 : officials from the Labor Relations Board(LRB) oversaw a meeting
->노동 관계 위원회 공무원이 감독하는 가운데

2. What area are the workers concerned about?
  노동자들이 관심을 가지고 있는 부분은 무엇인가?
- 정답 : D
- 단서문장 : The primary causes of the complaints are inadequate overtime compensation, life insurance restrictions, and limited pension plan options.
->불만의 주요 원인은 초과 근무에 대한 불충분한 보상,생명 보험 제한 규제, 제한된 연금 설계 선택권입니다.

생산시설과 공정 (Manufacturing part)

Questions 1-2 refer to the following article.

Geiger Technology plant based in Waukegan has finalized a new export deal with various western European retail centers. Therefore the factory will be expanding its production line, by as many as 350 workers, primarily on the assembly line and then in quality control positions. Geiger manufactures the best electronics equipment in the domestic market, and the reputation of its brand names is expected to propel it near the top of the overseas market. The company's term of developers will debut new audio system components in the European markets, and a short while later int its US outlets. Geiger is seeking to establish itself in Asian markets as well, and is currently attempting to acquire manufacturing facilities in several locations.

1. In which part of the factory will the workforce be increased first ?

a. In packaging
b. The assembly line
c. In quality control
d. The development department

2. What urged the factory to increase its production line?

a. Increased consumption in the domestic market
b. Enhanced popularity in the Asian market
c. The release of their new product
d. New markets from Europe


plant, facility, factory, operation - 공장
be based in + 장소 (공장 설비가) ~에 있다, factory site - 공장현장, factory tour - 공장견학
be operational - (설비가)가동 중이다.
assembly line - 조립라인, production line - 생산라인, conveyor - 제품운반장치, 컨베이어벨트
working manual, working handbook - 작업지침


develop - 개발하다
produce, manufacture - 생산하다, 제조하다
mass-produce, produce in bulk - 대량생산하다, output, yield - 생산(량)
introduce - 도입하다.
introduce new machines - 새 기계를 도입하다.
process, treat - (가공)처리하다.
surface treatment, finishing, surfacing - (제품의)마감처리
quota - 생산할당량
production figure - 생산수치(량)
productivity - 생산수치(량)
productivity - 생산성
quality control - 품질관리
safety test - 안전도검사


launch, debut - (제품을) 출시하다.
put~on the market, ~be available on sale - 시장에 선을 보이다.

문제 풀이
1. 정답 B.
2. 정답 D.

- 단서문장 : (2)Geiger Technology plant based in Waukegan has finalized a new export deal with various western European retail centers. Therefore(1) the factory will be expanding its production line, by as many as 350 workers, primarily on the assembly line and then in quality control positions.
-> 해석 : Waukengan에 위치한 Geiger Technology공장은 서부 유렵의 다양한 소매점들과 신규수출 거래를 마무리 지었다. 이로 인해 Geiger Technology공장은 작업자수를 350명으로 늘려 생산라인을 확장할 계획인데 먼저 조립라인에서 이루어지며 그 다음에 품질관리부서에서도 이루어 질 예정이다.

재료와 생산

Questions 1-3 refer to the following report.

A handy plumbing fixture will soon be available from Clear Flow, Inc., one of the nation's top producers of easy-to-install water system components. A company spokesperson said that advance orders have yielded a twenty-five percent increase in output at each of its manufacturing plant. Clear Flow was granted patent rights several weeks ago, and expects th first batch of finished goods to be in regulate water flow more efficiently as well as filter tap water through an advanced purification system. The cleaner water results from the use of an attachable mineral- based device that fits directly onto any faucet opening.
Researchers at Clear Flow had been attempting to create a prototype for the industrial water recycling system, to help companies save on operating costs. In the process they discovered the benefits of the gadget for residential use. The item will be marketed under the label Spring Water Tap.

1. What is NOT an advantage of using this product?
(A) It's simple to use.
(B) It comes in various types.
(C) It can control the water flow.
(D) It provides better quality tap water.

2. What component does the item have for filtering water?
(A) A special net
(B) A natural resource
(C) A new style of pipe
(D) A modified faucet handle

3. What was this product first created for?
(A) A swimming pool
(B) The home
(C) Factories
(D) The dry cleaner's


crude materials raw cotton 면화
raw materials 원자재 iron ore 철광석
materials of further crude oil 원유
intermediate materials component
intermediate supplies 중간재 part 부품
intermediate components attachment
plumbing fixture 배관 부품
iron fitting 철제 부품
finished goods 완제품


manufactured goods serial number 일련번호
product 생산품 label 라벨, 상표
trademark 상표, 상표권
patent 특허권
specialty 특제품
commodity (시장에 나온)
goods 상품
ware 상품, 제품
item 품목, 물품
equipment device
instrument 기계(적) gadget 장치
apparatus 제품, 장비 tool 도구

appliance (가정용) 기구, 설비, 가전제품
model 표본, 제품, 모형제품

문제 풀이

국내 최고의 간편 설치형 수도 시스템 부품 생산업체 중 하나인 클리어 플로우 사는 편리한 배관 설비를 출시할 예정입니다. 회사 대변인은 사전 주문으로 인해 각 제조 공장의 생산량이 25% 증가되었다고 전했습니다. 클리어 플로우는 수 주 전에 특허권을 회득했으며, 다음 달 초까지는 1차 완제품을 소매점에 비치할 수 있을 것으로 예상하고 있습니다. 이 설비는 고급 정화 시스템을 통해 수돗물을 정화시킬 뿐만 아니라 더욱 효율적으로 물 흐름을 조절 할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다. 어떤 수도 꼭지에도 직접 끼울 수 있는 광물 원료로 만들어진 부착형 장치를 사용하여 더욱 깨끗한 물을 얻을 수 있습니다.
클리어 플로우의 연구진은 기업의 운영 비용 절감에 기여 할 수 있도록 산업 용수 재생 시스템을 위한 모범 모델을 개발하려는 노력을 계속해 왔습니다. 그 과정에서 가정에서 활용 할 수 있는 유용한 장치를 발견하게 된 것입니다. 이 제품은 스프링 워터 탭이라는 이름으로 시장에 출시될 예정입니다.

1. 제품의 장점이 아닌 것은?
정답 : B

2. 물의 여과 장치 사용재료는?
정답 : B

3. 애초 이 제품은 무엇을 위해 개발했는가?
정답 : C

제품의 특징을 나타내는 말들

Questions 1-2 refer to the following advertisement.

Department stores across the country have began offering the latest series of Optima Options luxury products for the busy executive. The Power Run line is handmade from the finest materials, and can be tailored to the individual's needs. Optima Options enjoys an unmatched reputation for durable and stylish goods. and has occupied the top-of-the-line spot with corporate officials since its founding forty years ago. A hallmark of the Power Run briefcase is its built-in compartment, which provides thorough protection for the laptop computer. Another good reason to purchase any Power Run product is that optima will include, free of charge, a personalized cell phone cover that is available in a wide selection of colors. Once again, Optima Options has shown why it holds a superior market position both domestically and abroad.
1. What does the company specialize in?

(A) Customized business accessories
(B) Information system storage
(C) Remodeling office space
(D) Computer equipment

2. What is offered at no extra cost?
(A) A user-friendly laptop
(B) A mobile phone holder
(C) A custom-made briefcase
(D) A personalized writing set

제품의 특징

handmade 수공의
homemade 가내 제작된
built-in  내장된
not detachable 내부에 장착된 built-in microphone 내부 장착형 마이크
fragile 깨지기 쉬운
breakable 깨지기 쉬운
water-soluble 수용성의
transparent 투명한
tailored to one's need (고객의 요구에) 맞춤 제작한
adapted to suit a special need
convenient to use 사용하기 편리한
be compatible with
work together with 호환성이 있다, ~와 함께 사용할 수 있다
radio-controlled 무선 조정의
portable 들고 다닐 수 있는
wide selection 선택 폭이 다양함 in all price ranges 모든 가격 범위대의
sustainable 내구성이 있는
lasting a long time
superior reliable 품질이 믿을만한
top-of-the-line 품질이 우수한 hallmark 제품의 우수한 특징
highly rated in review 평가가 좋은

1. What does the company specialize in?
  이 회사의 전문 상품은 무엇인가?
- 정답 : A
- 단서문장 : can be tailored to the individual's needs
->사용자 각각의 필요에 맞도록 주문제작이 가능합니다

2. What is offered at no extra cost?
  추가 비용 없이 제공되는 것은?
- 정답 : B
- 단서문장 : optima will include, free of charge, a personalized cell phone cover that is available in a wide selection of colors.
->다양한 색상을 선택할 수 있는 맞춤형 휴대 전화 커버가 무료로 제공되기 때문입니다

상품 주문

Question 1-2 refer to the following letter

LaPorte Language School
1423 Cherry Tree Blvd. 32224
March 31
Ms. Ursula Schaeffer
Marketing Director
Satin Finish Paints
LaPorte, Indiana

Dear Ms. Schaeffer:

I appreciate the information you sent regarding my inquiry about Satin Finish
Paints. Although the brochure and accompanying price listings will be very helpful
in determining the color scheme we want for our new location, I'm afraid that the
required color chips were not include in the package. We are hoping to open for
business by early May, so if the samples are sent timely we will have no
difficulty meeting that goal.
Please send the needed items to the address shown above. As the expansion work
at the school site will be continuing through mid-May, our phone connections may
occasionally be out of service. Feel free to contact me by email at any time. I look
forward to sending an order to you soon.

Bob Graves

1. Why did Mr. Graves write this letter?
(A) To refuse a business offer
(B) To clarity product costs
(C) To ask again for product samples
(D) To complete an order for items

2. What difficulty does Mr. Graves talk about?
(A) The new site might be hard to repair.
(B) Shipment services in the area are slow.
(C) Contacting the school may be difficult.
(D) The school must delay their opening.

주 문

information material 상품정보
price list 가격표
catalog 상품 목록
sample 샘플
request a sample , ask for product samples 샘플을 요청하다.
place an order , send in an order 주문을 넣다
confirm‎! the order 주문 내용이 맞는지 확인하다.
fill the order 주문에 응하다.
on request 주문에 따라

대금 지불

invoice 송장
invoice for the shipping cost (운송된 물건의) 대금 송장
charge 대금, 결제액
outstanding balance 미결제액
payment option 지불방식
be charged to the account 은행 계좌에서 인출되다.
remit money , send money , send in payment 돈을 보내다.
business day 근무일, 영업일
withine five business days 근무일 5일 이내에

문제 풀이

스텐 피니쉬 페인츠에 대한 질문에 당신의 정보를 보내주어 감사합니다..

비록 그 책자와 동반된 가격 목록이 우리가 원하는 새로운 지역에 대한 색상 결정에 매우 유용할지라도,1) 요구했던 색상 칩이 package에 포함되어 있지 않아 유감스럽습니다.

우리는 5월 초에 개점하기를 희망하고 있어 그 샘플이 적절히 보내어진다면 우리의 목표에 어려움이 없을 것입니다.

요구한 품목을 위의 주소로 보내 주세요. 2)5월 중반까지 계속되는 학교의 확장 작업 때문에 우리의 전화 연결이 일시적으로 중단될 것입니다.

언제라도 나에게 메일을 보내주세요.

내가 곧 당신에서 주문서를 보낼 수 있게 되기를 희망합니다.

1. Mr. Graves 가 왜 편지를 썼는가?
---> (C) 생산 샘플을 다시 요청하기 위해서.

2. Mr. Graves 가 말한 어려움은 무엇인가?
---> (C) 학교에 접속하기가 어려울 것이다.

제품 운송

Questions 1-2 refer to the following memo.


TO : All Employees
RE: Shipping Changes

FR : Office Manager
DT : November 16

This memo is to let everyone know we are changing our shipment service to A-One Transport. We expect faster transit times from the switch, which will go into effect from the first of next month. However, we are still responsible for wrapping all packages properly, encasing breakable items in protective materials, and ensuring the messenger documents have the recipient's complete local address, including the zip code. The attached form lists all air, surface and express mail rates, as well as international delivery costs. During the busy season when our shipping increases in both parcel size and number, department heads will be forwarded the appropriate rate form, which is currently being decided upon by A-One representatives. A-One is the top rated carrier in the region, so we anticipate that previous shipping complaints and difficulties will disappear after we begin doing business with them.

1. What a benefit of changing shipping companies?
(A) Secure packaging of fragile items
(B) National messenger service
(C) Quicker delivery service
(D) Reduced shipping costs

2. Who will fix the shipping prices during the busy time?
(A) The shipping dept. director
(B) The company department heads
(C) An A-One messenger
(D) An A-Ones representative 

상품 포장

pack, wrap package (상품을) 포장하다
encase 상자에 넣다

상품 발송

shipment, freight, cargo 운송품, 화물
bundle, parcel (비교적) 작은 소포
enclose 동봉하다
enclosure 함께 동봉하는 물건
send, transport, mail, transit, transfer, convey, deliver 보내다
postage, postal service fee 운송료
enclose 동봉하다
enclosure 함께 동봉하는 물건

발송 방법

air mail 항공 우편
trailer 화물운반차
surface mail 육상 우편
fleet (동일 회사 소유의) 전 차량(선박)
express mail 속달 우편
registered mail 등기
courier service, messenger service (직접) 배달 서비스
carrier 배달부, 운송 회사
dispatcher, expediter 속달 배달부

도 착

track the package 우편물의 현재 위치를 알아보다
be addressed to 수신인이 ~이다
on the receipt of ~을 받자마자
recipient 수신자
receipt 수신

문제 풀이

1. What a benefit of changing shipping companies?
  배송업체 변경으로 얻을 수 있는 이점은 무엇인가?
- 정답 : C
-단서문장 : We expect faster transit times from the swich
->업체변경을 통해 배송시간이 단축될 것으로 기대되며

2. Who will fix the shipping prices during the busy time?
  성수기 동안의 운송 요금은 누가 결정하는가?
- 정답 : D
- 단서문장 : During the busy season when our shipping increases in both parcel size and number, department heads will be forwarded the appropriate rate form, which is currently being decided upon by A-One representatives.
->소화물의 크기와 수량이 모두 증가하는 성수기 동안의 적정 요금 양식이 부서장에게 전달될 것이며 이 가격은 현재 에이원 담당자가 결정하고 있습니다.

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