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본문 제목

[505] 비밀을 털어놔 / spill the beans


by 프리매쓰 2023. 1. 30. 17:35



I'm afraid your father spilled the beans about Noah.
I wanted to thank you for not spilling the beans about my lady friend in Japan.
I'm afraid your father spilled the beans about Noah.
네 아버지가 Noah에 대한 비밀을 말한 것 같구나.
I wanted to thank you for not spilling the beans about my lady friend in Japan.
일본에 있는 여자 친구에 대한 비밀을 지켜줘서 고맙네.
Tell us what happened.
Oh my god.
Spill the beans.
We need to lose our pro-traveler status,
because seriously this has been a rough trip.
You, you, you need to.
Tell us what happened.
무슨 일이 있었는지 말해줘.
Oh my god.
Spill the beans.
털어놔 봐.
We need to lose our pro-traveler status,
우리 프로 여행가라고 불릴 자격이 없어.
because seriously this has been a rough trip.
왜냐하면 진짜로 이번 여행 너무 힘들었어.
You, you, you need to.
너, 너, 네가 내려놔야지.
I know your core question was whether or not you should spill the beans about your side business to your coworkers,
and honestly, I can't answer that.
Every company culture is different. 
Some are really encouraging of people doing their own thing, and some are not.
I know your core question was whether or not you should spill the beans about your side business to your coworkers,
당신의 핵심 질문은 동료에게 당신의 부업에 대해 털어놓아야 할지 말지에 대한 거였죠.
and honestly, I can't answer that.
그리고 솔직히 말하면, 그 질문에 대답은 곤란해요.
Every company culture is different. 
모든 회사 문화는 달라요.
Some are really encouraging of people doing their own thing, and some are not.
어떤 회사는 직원들이 부업을 하는 것을 매우 독려하지만, 또 어떤 회사는 그렇지 않거든요.



Darlene's comment


좋아요 :D
Thank you for your time today! I hope you enjoyed the lesson. Please don't forget to review and practice the corrections. Have a great day.:)
보완해봐요 :D
  • Grammar
    Point: I noticed that there were some errors in the use of prepositions and tenses. Please practice them more. :) I noticed the use of articles. Please try to practice applying and using our articles - a, an, the
    You said: prohibit the Japan and Korea people
    Better to say: prohibit the Japanese and Korean people
  • Vocabulary
    Point: You can try paraphrasing or using synonyms to avoid repetition or redundancy of words. Please practice more vocabulary.
    You said: it cost very cheap
    Better to say: it costs very cheap
  • Pronunciation
    Point: There are no noticeable errors in pronunciation. Just practice words with an L and R sound in one.
채팅 내용 확인
전체  첨삭
spill the beans
have you seen the videos on page 3?
how often do you go on a trip?
these days--
for holiday--X
for the holidays--0
nobody go there--X
nobody goes there--0
many Korean go to Japan--X
many Korean's visited Japan--0
before the Covid--X
before Covid--0
we cannot go to the China--X
we cannot go to China--0
prohibit the Japan and Korea people--X
prohibit the Japanese and Korean people--0
prohibit the Japan and Korea people--X
many korean company--X
korean companies--0
in Russia market--X
in the Russian Market--0
fhe Hyundai also difficult--X
the Hyundai also difficult--X
Hyundai is having difficulties--X
Hyundai is having difficulties--X
Hyundai has many difficult--X
has a lot of difficulties--0
very cheaply--X
very cheap--0
instead of Russia factory--X
instead of Russian factories--0
I saw many the Korean there--X
I saw many Koreans there--0
hoe the automobile become--X
how the automobile market will become--0
similar[ sim-uh-ler ]
currently,the China industry--X
the Chinese industry--0
the China take over--X
China took over--0
than the Russia invade more--X
than Russia invades more--0
Korea weapon--X
Korean weapons--0

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