Caregivers are too expensive in Korea The cost of a caregiver is about 3 million won per month.
한국의 연금 제도가 붕괴될 위기에 처해 있다. 정치인들이 연금 개혁을 하려고 한다. 연금 받는 나이는 늦추고, 월급에서 연금을 내는 비율은 높이려고 하고 있다. 그러나 젊은 사람들의 저항에 부딪치고 있다.
Korea's pension system is at risk of collapse. Politicians are trying to reform pensions. We are trying to delay the pension age and increase the ratio of pension payments from salary. However, it is meeting resistance from young people.
US Social Security and Medicare Face Financial Crisis
Social Security and Medicare are facing financial challenges that could threaten the long-term care system relied on by millions of Americans. The Social Security and Medicare trustees recently warned that these safety nets will run short of money to pay full benefits within the next decade. Medicare, which covers 65 million older and disabled people, will be unable to pay full benefits for inpatient hospital visits and nursing home stays by 2031. Meanwhile, Social Security won’t have enough cash on hand to pay out full benefits to its 66 million retirees just two years later.
The report is a call to action for politicians to address the fragile financial state of these social programs. On its current track, Medicare would only be able to cover 89% of costs for patients’ hospital visits, nursing home stays, and home health care starting in 2031. Social Security is in worse shape, with the fund predicted to cover only 77% of benefits starting in 2033.
The financial issues facing Medicare and Social Security could further damage the US's long-term care system. It is clear that action needs to be taken to ensure the long-term viability of these programs and the well-being of older Americans and their families
Q1. Do you think your country's long-term care system could face similar financial challenges?
Q2. Are you personally affected by the financial shortfalls of the social security system in your country?
Q3. What consequences do you foresee if these programs are unable to provide benefits to you in the future?
Q1. How confident are you that the government will take the necessary actions to address the issue?
Q2. How much do you think politicians should prioritize addressing the financial issue of these social programs?
Q3. What steps do you think should be taken to secure the long-term stability of social security system?
[나의 틀린 표현]
605재정 위기에 처한 미국 의료 복지?
오늘의 트렌드 이슈
재정 위기에 처한 미국 의료 복지?
Medical and social security systems in financial crisis?
트렌드 이슈 마스터
이슈 마스터하기
기사를 통해 이슈를 마스터하세요 :D
US Social Security and Medicare Face Financial Crisis
Social Security and Medicare are facing financial challenges that could threaten the long-term care system relied on by millions of Americans. The Social Security and Medicare trustees recently warned that these safety nets will run short of money to pay full benefits within the next decade. Medicare, which covers 65 million older and disabled people, will be unable to pay full benefits for inpatient hospital visits and nursing home stays by 2031. Meanwhile, Social Security won’t have enough cash on hand to pay out full benefits to its 66 million retirees just two years later.
The report is a call to action for politicians to address the fragile financial state of these social programs. On its current track, Medicare would only be able to cover 89% of costs for patients’ hospital visits, nursing home stays, and home health care starting in 2031. Social Security is in worse shape, with the fund predicted to cover only 77% of benefits starting in 2033.
The financial issues facing Medicare and Social Security could further damage the US's long-term care system. It is clear that action needs to be taken to ensure the long-term viability of these programs and the well-being of older Americans and their families.
기사 요약본
safety netvolume_up안전장치, 안전망
Programs that provide financial assistance to those in needvolume_up
inpatientvolume_up입원 환자
A patient who stays overnight in a hospitalvolume_up
People who have retired from work and receive benefitsvolume_up
shortfallvolume_up부족, 부족함
A deficit or lack of something needed or expectedvolume_up
B. The_________received_________care from the________ staff.
이슈 표현 마스터하기
이슈 표현으로 문장을 만들어보세요 :D
A.퇴직자들은 종종 여행을 하며 여가 시간을 즐기죠.
B. 이번 분기에 그 회사는 수익부족을 경험했습니다.
트렌드 이슈 프리토킹
이슈와 관련된 질문으로 자유롭게 대화해 보세요 :D
Q1. Do you think your country's long-term care system could face similar financial challenges?
Q2. Are you personally affected by the financial shortfalls of the social security system in your country?
Q3. What consequences do you foresee if these programs are unable to provide benefits to you in the future?
트렌드 이슈 프리토킹
이슈와 관련된 질문으로 자유롭게 대화해 보세요 :D
Q1. How confident are you that the government will take the necessary actions to address the issue?
Q2. How much do you think politicians should prioritize addressing the financial issue of these social programs?
Q3. What steps do you think should be taken to secure the long-term stability of social security system?
오늘의 트렌드 이슈 마무리
재정 위기에 처한 미국 의료 복지?
Medical and social security systems in financial crisis?
수업 완료 후 버튼을 눌러주세요 :D
올인랭디로 독해 & 작문까지!
독해 & 작문까지 완벽하게!
독해 & 작문
지문을 읽고 작문을 1시간 안에 제출해주시면 첨삭을 해드립니다 :D
Social Security and Medicare are facing financial shortfalls, with a recent report warning that these safety nets will run short of money to pay full benefits within the next decade. Medicare will be unable to pay full benefits for inpatient hospital visits and nursing home stays by 2031, while Social Security won’t have enough cash on hand to pay out full benefits to its 66 million retirees just two years later. The financial issues facing Medicare and Social Security could further damage the US's long-term care system, according to LeadingAge President and CEO Katie Smith Sloan.
오늘 수업에서 다룬 주제와 관련해 본인의 의견을 작성해 주세요 :D
safety net
안전장치, 안전망
입원 환자
부족, 부족함
수업 시작 12시간 전부터 수업 종료 1시간 후까지제출이 가능합니다.
첨삭 내용은다음날 오전 8시 이후 복습자료에서확인 가능합니다.
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